Saturday, May 1, 2010


So much has happened since last time. "Hile" is my new greeting. haha
Anyways I dont think this is going to get any posts anytime soon so, your best bet is to either
1. Check out Charli's blog (
2. my blog (

Friday, March 5, 2010

Our Poor Blog....

Poor blog! We seem to have forgotten it....
Well to let you know --
1. We are not dead. ^.^
2..... I dunno... LOL But we aren't dead! thats what counts! I sooo quoted my char there... LOL!!! =D

Saturday, September 12, 2009

haha, Love his eyes!

I am A happy LOLCAT crazy person :D

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Not Dead Yet!

You heared me! I Ain't Dead Yet!

OK so....*scratches Head* Where to start...

Well I'm getting an Ocarina that should hopefully arrive tomorrow!!!! Its a Zelda Mini Tenor Ocarina. From STLocarina. It comes with a Music book and Carrying case as well!
yes I still play Violin as well.

We are going to the Children's Garden this Friday! So that will be a blast. It is such a nice park. WIth Peter Rabbit and Mcdonald and Winny the Pooh. And the three Bears.

My book. yeah...You all asking about it..I'm EDITING lol. I'm not saying anything else right now.

I think thats It!

Love you girls/guys if any read this...Which i can't think of any


P.S. the picture at the Top is one of my RP chars. Kishi Lin

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Some Quotes

I found some quotes I like.

“When my cats aren't happy, I'm not happy. Not because I care about their mood but because I know they're just sitting there thinking up ways to get even.”(Not sure)

"Dogs have owners, Cats have Staff"(not sure)

“If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it?”(Stephen Wright)

“I was seldom able to see an opportunity until it had ceased to be one”(Mark Twain)

“Your cat will never threaten your popularity by barking at three in the morning. He won't attack the mailman or eat the drapes, although he may climb the drapes to see how the room looks from the ceiling.”(Helen Powers)

“When your cat rubs the side of its face along your leg, it's affectionately marking you with its scent, identifying you as its private property, saying, in effect, 'You belong to me'”(Susan McDonough)
"You can't have Everything Where would you put it?" (stephen Wright)
"Actions speak louder than words but not nearly as often" (mark Twain)
“Buy land, they're not making it anymore”(Mark Twain)

“If you can't convince them, confuse them.”(Harry S Truman)

“If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried”

“Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film.”

“Since light travels faster than sound, people appear bright until you hear them speak.”

“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.”

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Ok. my RANDOM thing is:
Cinderella is CREEPY!!!!!! i'm not sure if anybody agrees but i dont like her!! i dont really know why so dont ask! people seem to think i like her.... but i cant stand her!! Barbie is kinda creepy to... now that i think of it... what other creepy people can i think of... i shall think about that one

God bless you,

Fash: This is my AWESOME sister :) in her equally AWESOME elf costume

This is my cat Crazy, Herb insane, Overly Dramatic, fashure. She's intirely a nut! But I love her anyway